AG Polka Dot Ankle Stevie. To buy or not to buy?
/That is the question. I first spotted them (how pun-y) on Oh Joy's instagram feed. Subtle, understated and envious! I googled until I found them on Anthro's online store and man, they're expensive! I'm a Gap girl and will do anything to avoid paying more than $70 for a pair of jeans; these on the other hand, retail for $178 USD. Despite being baby soft and carrying rave reviews, I'm still unsure if I'm willing to bite the bullet.
Lucky for me, my local David Jones sells AG Jeans. Upon trying them on I couldn't help but think it looked like I was wearing PJ pants - the price and final look sealed the deal.
AG Polka Dot Ankle Stevie
Or did it? I kept asking myself why they were so long on me; I know I'm short, but I fully expected them to hit my ankles. Back to google I went and thus my "aha" moment materialised - same patterns and colours, but in different cuts and lengths.
Do I spend $178 for a super cute pair of jeans or do I let them slip from my hands like I did with this jacket?