Kicking hair kinks to the kerb: Invisibobble
It's a hair thingamabob I don't quite get, but it works. Wrap around twice and you're good to go for a jog or pull your hair into a pineapple-type bun to wash that pretty lil' face of yours.
The telephone cord-like tie displaces pressure on your strands to keep things in place, thus minimising hair breakage; it also reduces kinks and crimps in the hair and says see ya later to hair headaches. Normally I hate the look of fun buns and ponytails on me, but I broadened my horizons and set my feelings aside in order to give the Invisibobble a fair shake.
The Invisibobble holds tight through it all. Just learn from my mistake and avoid wrapping the Invisibobble around three times to tie your hair back or you'll be cruising for a hair bruising to kink city.
*PR sample provided – Thoughts and ramblings written here are completely my own.