This stuff works: Living Proof's No Frizz Nourishing Styling Cream
/No Frizz Nourishing Styling Cream
I've been a slave to my hair for approximately 15 years; vanity sunk in during my sophomore year of high school as I became more aware of myself and my peers. I was born with blonde hair and blue eyes, but as the years progressed my eyes turned hazel and my hair went from baby fine blonde to super frizzy brunette. Gone were the days of braids and pigtails -- paddle brushes, hair dryers and flat irons soon cluttered the drawers in the bathroom. My new routine would add at least 30 minutes of "required" prep time. Did I also mention I've never been a morning person?
I quickly turned into a grumpy teenager hell bent on fighting my frizzy hair. Now, I'm just a grumpy adult fighting to make it on-time to work!
My frizzy hair
More often than not you've seen me with smooth hair with a flick of a wave or curl on the ends; however, I think you'll see me with my natural waves more often, because I've been l-i-b-e-r-a-t-e-d! Living Proof's No Frizz Nourishing Styling Cream has saved my arms, gives me additional time to sleep-in and keeps my waves in check.
Tamed waves
After showering I wrap my hair in a towel and allow it to stay there while I get ready. After 15 minutes or so, I'll remove the towel, de-tangle my hair with a wide-tooth comb and apply a dollop of No Frizz Nourishing Styling Cream from the roots to my ends. Then I'll part my hair, tip my head over and give my hair a good scrunch. The halo of frizz has been reduced and I don't feel as self-conscious about wearing my lazy wavy hair.
Jennifer Aniston Living Proof
It was recently revealed Jennifer Aniston became co-owner of Living Proof and will also serve as a spokesperson for the brand. I figured if she was willing to put her image behind Living Proof, then it's worth giving it a shot -- man, the power of celebrity. Truth be told I've always been a fan of Jennifer Aniston and shared crazy hair envy with many other women and men throughout her tenure. Honey-hued locks with not even one hair out of place. Jealous much?
For those of you who share fine, frizzy waves with the likes of me, go ahead and try this magical potion.
You won't regret it.
About this cream...
The scent: light, but wears off as your hair dries.
Consistency: creamy (as labelled).
Miscellaneous notes: doesn't leave residue on your hair or your hands; I experienced no product build up and your hair will not turn crunchy like it can when gel is used.
Price & Availability: I purchased (1) one 4 oz. bottle of Living Proof's No Frizz Nourishing Styling Cream from Sephora for $26.00 USD and had it shipped to Melbourne via Hop Shop Go. For the Aussie set, you can find Living Proof at your local Mecca Cosmetica for $35.00 AUS.
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