Beauty in a tick: MAC's Extra Dimension Blush in Autoerotique
/MAC's Autoerotique
Where's early 90's Madonna to help soften the blow for this particular topic, yeah I'm talking about you, Autoerotique.
I guess it's a fitting name, because that's what I do [blush] whenever I flip the compact to check the spelling. And giggle too, because I am that >< mature.
Autoerotique, one of three Extra Dimension blush shades MAC released within the Magnetic Nude Collection earlier this month, is the perfect healthy flush you get -- say, post-workout?!
Hey, I'm just trying to keep things PG here because my parents do visit from time to time :)
Swatches of Autoerotique - sheer wash (left) and applied with a heavy hand several times over (right)
Autoerotique (dirty (whatever that means!?) coral rose) is the median satin shade, falling smack dab between hues At Dusk (midtone rose) and Pleasure Model (soft terracotta with pearl). To my eye, colour-wise, Autoerotique is the most diverse blush of the bunch for its ability to be subdued for a gal looking for a touch of coral. Or, it can be amped up with a few extra brush strokes for that "Addicted to Love" look.
Wearing Autoerotique on my cheeks and YSL's Gloss Volupte Fuchsia Oran on my lips
The Bagful breakdown:
Total amount for MAC's Extra Dimension Blush in Autoerotique:
Value for money spent (performance and quality):
- 9 out of 10 bags — if I picked this blush up in Australia, I would've given it a lower rating for the outrageous price.
Would another purchase be on the horizon?:
- Currently testing MAC's Huggable lip colour in Out For Passion.