A quick hello and update..
/Hey Everyone! Scott and I are about to embark on a weekend together in Sydney for our wedding anniversary and my birthday. Yeah, we eloped two years ago today :) Crazy how time flies so quickly. But before we jet off, I wanted to leave you with a few tasty morsels from my week.
First up, the Too Faced lippie I purchased last week was I want Candy. Jury is still out on performance, however, I've been enjoying its creamy texture.
On Wednesday night I attended Melbourne Spring Fashion Week and had a blast playing with my new camera. During the 30 minute show I took over 2,000 photograph - I viewed the whole event through the camera! For the night I wore this shirt from Sass & Bide, I lined my eyes with Illamasqua's Glister and applied Naked Rose on my cheeks.
Alice Euphemia
Currently wearing Butter London's Scouse on my nails. It's the perfect shade of 'birthday girl' blue!
Finally, I woke up to Birthday-versary hugs and these this morning...
I'm officially beyond spoiled and lucky!
A few other tidbits...
Did you know Target Australia was asked to remove counterfeit MAC products from their shelves?
Have you seen Chanel's Rouge Allure lip range? It looks stunning! Rouge Allure features 16 beauteous shades.
Fashion's Night Out took place last night, did you spy/buy anything lovely?
Thats about it for now. Have a lovely weekend and for those of you who live in Melbourne, tether yourself down so you don't blow away!
Want to keep up with me during my trip? Follow me on Twitter and Instagram...
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