Philosophy's Miracle Worker - did it change my perspective?
/Philosophy's Miracle Worker
I'm super lazy when bedtime rolls around and anything that stands in the way of my head hitting the pillow is viewed as a major stumbling block. The next day's work clothes wind up not getting ironed, my lunch is left unmade and my gym bag remains unpacked. Lots of 'uns' and I often convince myself I can scurry my hyde in the wee hours -- let's be honest, in reality I don't. I'm an immovable lump in the AM, just ask Scott.
Despite all this, I do manage to wash off the day's war paint from my face. So I figured, as long as it didn't take up too much time, I'd treat my skin to Philosophy's Miracle Worker. It only takes a few swipes, right?
Without getting too Science-y on you, I'll attempt to explain what a retinoid is. Retinoids are closely related to Vitamin A (hence, why you sometimes see the letter 'A' referenced; Vitamin A helps to maintain healthy skin, hair, bones and other soft tissues). Retinoids aid with cell turnover, which is something that slows as we age. In order to combat matured skin, a product such as Miracle Worker attempts to turn back the hands of time.
What else does Miracle Worker do? Philosophy stated the following..
"In an independent clinical study based on 4 weeks of use, 92% of subjects showed improvement in overall signs of ageing: reduces skin discolouration, restores a healthy glow to dull skin and revitalises the appearance of sun-damaged skin."
It's been almost eight weeks since I started using Miracle Worker and I really see no difference. Perhaps, I think, I'm not the intended demographic. In 10 years' time it might be worthwhile for me to reintroduce Miracle Worker to my skin.
No harm, no foul -- it's just not my time.
The Bagful breakdown:
Total amount for Philosophy's Miracle Worker:
Value for money spent (performance and quality):
- I can't accurately rate this product.
Would another purchase be on the horizon?:
- Recently I repurchased Philosophy's Amazing Grace. It's like taking a whiff of a cloud.
*PR sample provided – Thoughts and ramblings written here are completely my own.