As a child I remember being fascinated by watching my father shave. He used a "safety razor" -- looked a bit like this:
Not terribly common these days, but, they still make them.
As he would shave, I'd lather up my face with the shaving cream, and he'd hand me a spare razor -- without the actual blade -- and as he'd scrape away his beard, I'd essentially scoop the shaving cream off my own face. I suppose in many ways that is how I learned to shave. A decade too early, but, the gestures, motions, facial contortions, all observed, mimicked, and repeated.
Eventually the time arrived for my own facial hair to be dealt with. I don't remember exactly how old I was, I don't actually recall the first time I shaved "in earnest" -- but it was the beginning of a process that will likely go on for the rest of my life.
I've tried just about every sort of razor and shaving system out there (curiously, I've never actually used a safety razor such as the one pictured above)...wet, electric, rotary, even straight edge by a barber. I held very, very still during that one. Talk about trust...
Anyway, for Christmas 2012, Nicole has gifted me a spectacular shaving set which comes complete with some key ingredients to make this daily ritual of mine a bit more pleasant. Yes, I said daily. I know a lot of men don't shave every day, but my beard grows pretty quickly, and a day without looks pretty bad. Indeed, there has only been one time in my life when I did not shave daily: Chicken pox at the age of 18. Yeah, that kinda sucked. The doctor suggested I not shave for a week or two (ya think?!) until the skin issues cleared up. So other than that one week, decades ago, every single day some sort of metal scrapes my skin.
My current razor of choice is the Pansonic LV-81: